Friday March 26th

Thank you to those who have touched base with me for parent teacher conferences. Happy Spring Break! Wishing everyone a restful break and we will see your kiddos on Tuesday April 6th! 

A quick reminder for our social studies project. We are asking for students to think of and bring in artifacts that are meaningful to them, that connects them with nature and the land. With these artifacts they will be telling their story and how they connect to the land. These artifacts ca be nature items, such as, sticks, rocks, grass etc. They can also be photographs or trinkets! Thank you for your participation with this project. 

Here is what we have been learning this week in room 2.

Language Arts
: Students learned about limerick poems. A limerick poem involves humour, rhyme and rhythm. Students did a great job at following the rhyming pattern and created some very silly and fun poems. Below you will find the words of the week. We will be having our spelling tests on Friday April 9th. Feel free to practice these words during the spring break. 

Mathematics: This week, room 2 started to learn about measurement. Students took their learning outside and practiced measuring by measuring items in a Nature Hunt. We also discussed measuring benchmarks and compared those to certain objects. They had to determine what would be the appropriate unit of measure for that item (e.g., measuring an eraser = cm, measuring a door = m). Students were also introduced to metric conversions, where they are to change one unit to another through multiplying or dividing (e.g., 125cm = 1.25m). 

Science: Students in room 2 completed some research on machines with pulleys! We learned about how pulleys work, what are the advantages of a pulley and what can be the disadvantage of pulley systems. When students return from spring break, we will be making our own! Be on the look out to see their pulley systems. 

Social Studies: We have been touching base on a few things with social studies. We have been taking our learning outside and students were introduced to sit spots. Students chose their own personal spots where they can connect with nature, learn from the land and practice self care and mindfulness. Our sit spots is a space where we will regularly return to until the end of the year. 
We also started to learn about the country of India! Student boarded Vista Heights airlines and traveled to India. So far we have researched India's quality of life by comparing it to ours. Students were making connections,  "We have farms and India has farms". We also learned about a festival celebrated in India called, Holi! Ask your students about this tradition.

Health: This week we wrapped up a healthy eating unit. Students have learned about various aspects of healthy eating, such as, calories, carbohydrates, macro and micronutrients. Students had to show their learning of healthy eating by creating a balanced meal plan for the day! They were given grocery flyers and $70 to make 3 meals and 2 snacks! 

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