Wednesday October 22

 Happy Wednesday and a mid-week check in. Lots of learning has been happening from Monday to today. We have been very busy!

Language Arts- We have finished a writing project. Students were asked to complete a writing task to show and apply what they have learned about different types of sentences. They chose a picture to write a story to match it or to explain what was happening in the picture. Each student was given a success criteria check list and together we created a target to guide their writing. Today, we partnered up and students assessed each others writing and provided feedback- 3 glows and 1 grow. Tomorrow, students who are comfortable are going to share what they have written to the class. 

Literacy centers are in full steam and all students are staying focused by working hard at becoming stronger readers and writers. We started a new novel that we are reading together, "Forth Grade Rats". Tomorrow we journey into chapter 6! 

Check out our spelling list. We started new words this week and students will be completing a spelling test next Thursday October 29th. 

Math- We started a new unit on Monday and we are learning about numbers and their place value. Our learning goal is to develop a number sense by representing, recognizing, comparing, and estimating numbers. Grade 3s are learning numbers up to 1000 and grade 4s are learning numbers up to 10 000! So far we have been working with base 10 blocks and how they represent numbers pictorially.

Science-  The grade 3s and 4s are in the first steps of becoming engineers! We started our first experiment in testing materials. Soon we will be putting out testing to the test but designing and building. Ask you child about the RUST experiment! 

Health- We are continuing to learn about social conflict and conflict resolution in our classroom. This week our focus is on EMPATHY. What is it? and How can we show it?

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