Friday November 27th

Heads up for next week: Thanks to those who participated in Hat day today. It was great to see such fun hats in the classroom. Look out for the December Calendar coming home next week. Also, on Friday December 4th there is no school for students- it is a PD day. 

Language Arts: Today we had our spelling. Can't wait to have a look at the progress. Next week will be a new set of words. 

Math: Today students showed me what they knew about comparing numbers. Monday we are moving on to something new in our learning. 

Visual Art: We started a new unit on landscapes today! Students are going to creating a "Line Landscape" or "Doddle Landscape". Today we learned about the three parts that a landscape should have.  Ask your child what is foreground, middle ground and background is? 

Science: Our bridges are almost complete! Check out the progress below. Students have been using science vocabulary (ie. stable, structure, gussets, bowstring bridge, truss brides) while building their bridges and it has been great to hear them applying what they have learned. Students have been making connections with photos of bridges around Calgary and identifying which truss bridge it might be. 

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