Week Wrap up!

* Reminders: There is no school for students tomorrow- PD day! See everyone on Monday. Next week, students are going to begin the designing and building process of their structures. Please make sure that your child brings in their recycled materials for them to build with. 

Language Arts: This week, we built on our vocabulary by learning about synonyms and new words from reading "The One and Only Ivan". 

Math: This week we started addition and subtraction! We start each math lesson with a "math talk". Through Math Talks we build trust in one another, share strategies and work on our mental math skills. 

Social Studies: We have wrapped up our regions research! Next week, students will be given a 'project' to show what they what they have learned about a particular region. A test will be coming up soon!

Physical Education: Room 2 is beginning to learn about Volley Ball! Ask them about some games they have been learning with Mr. Pivarnyik. 

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