Monday Jan 18th- 2021

Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a great winter break and weekend. It's nice to get back into a routine. 

Here are some updates on what we have been doing and learning in room 2!

Language Arts: Last week, students were introduced to a "one word" goal challenge. Students brainstormed words that revolved around themselves and what they would like to become stronger at. Everyone was very reflective and chose words that were meaningful to them. Once they chose their word, they had to create an action plan for how they were going to achieve that word goal. 

Also last week, we started a new novel study. We chose the book "Wonder". Ask your child what has happened in the book so far!?

Here are our new words of the week. Their spelling test on these words will be next Friday, Jan 29th! I saw some great results from last weeks words! Keep up the great work grade 3/4's. 

Math: Room 2 has dived into multiplication! Students last week were introduced to array's and how they can help and provide a visual for when solving multiplication questions. Today, students practiced skip counting and repeated addition. 

Science: Students are very prepared to start our wheels and levers unit. So far they can identify the different machines we will be learning about. They can't wait to go more in depth this week. Stay tuned for their learning.

Visual Art: We are moving into depth perception with visual art. Last Friday we started an optical illusions art piece and added more detail to our work today. We are learning how the movement of line can change the way our eyes can see objects. Check out their work so far! To be continued this Friday.

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