Wednesday Feb. 17th

House keeping items: Next Wednesday, February 24th is Pink Shirt Day for anti-bullying awareness. Thursday is Hot Soup day!  This Friday students will have their spelling test and a "show what you know" for division! 

Language Arts: This week our focus in room 2 has been on grammar. We are enhancing our writing by learning about plural nouns and irregular nouns.

Math: We are wrapping up division this week and students have been working hard at practicing their division strategies. Today, students played games involving division and multiplication word problems. They learned how to decipher which operation to use to solve the problem- Do you multiply? or Do you divide? What language tells gives us clues for which operation we need to use? 

Your child can log onto Mathletics for more practice! 

Science: Making connections with the force of friction!! Students this week learned about friction- what is it?  What is good friction? and What is bad friction? We then started to make connections with friction in our daily lives, e.g., "You need it for walking on ice", "My shoes stop me from sliding because of the treads", "Friction can make my hands warm". 

Also, for an upcoming science activity, rooms 2 is looking for bottle caps!! The more the merrier! If you have bottle caps lying around the house, we would love to repurpose them in the classroom. 

Social Studies: We have located our countries on a world map. Now are preparing for travel! Students this will prepare for traveling (virtually) by creating their Canadian Passport. Once their passport is approved, we are ready for our first destination. Keep checking in to see where we head to first! 

Physical Education: Room 2 has started to learn about Curling! Curling is all the talk in the classroom after returning from P.E.. Students have also been making connections with how "FRICTION" is key to the sport. 

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