Wednesday February 10th

Reminders: There is no school for students Thursday, Friday or Monday, because of teachers convention and family day. Enjoy your long weekend and stay warm! 

Here is what room 2 has been up to this week.

Language Arts: Students completed a persuasive letter to a teacher in the school while applying their understanding of a structure of a paragraph. Teachers will be receiving their letters soon. Also, to pair along with our visual art, students learned about similes. They wrote a short poem about love and friendship. Next Friday, we will be having our spelling test. 

Math: The grade 3's learned various strategies for solving division questions. Students were practicing to see which strategy works best for them (e.g., making groups, using arrays, repeated subtraction, or a number line). Next week, we will be learning how to use our multiplication facts for help solve for division. The grade 4's learned three ways to complete long division using whole numbers. Ask them about the partial quotient method!?

Social Studies: We began our trip around the world with an introduction to the countries we will be learning. Soon we will depart to Tunisia, India, Ukraine, and Peru! So far this week, we identified where these countries are on a world map, and began to research key vocabulary. 

Health: Room 2 has been discussing healthy eating. Ask your child what the difference is between processed and whole/clean foods, what a calorie is and why do our bodies need them! 

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